Tuesday, November 27, 2007 

the thing i love about college, about grad school, is that it all comes down to moments like now.

this paper may be an A- at best, but i'm going to comb through it as many times as possible until i get in my car in twenty-six minutes to drive to campus to turn it in.

wait... maybe that's what i hate about college.

ms. caughey will get back to you when she has had more sleep. which won't take place at least until post-december third.

isn't there some kind of joy in having something tactile to complain about, something that you know will pass very very soon? in a week i will be done.

watch out, GRE. i'm on a roll.

Sunday, November 25, 2007 

animal collective

do you ever lose music for a couple of years, and you can't remember the name of the band or even some of the lyrics so it's just gone! gone! you just have traces of memory...

...only to find it on a gray sunday afternoon when flipping through your cds that are actually organized in a fit of procrastination and grab an unmarked one on a hunch that it might be something good and there it is?

bran gave this to me way way way back, probably back in the loft days. i remember listening to it on velasco and in karl's truck when my clavicle was broken.

okay, with the exception of a half-hour break i've been working since 8AM (it's now 4:13), so i reserve the right to make absolutely no sense and publish this sucker.

time to alt-tab back over to my paper.


Saturday, November 24, 2007 

full moon. listening to ben harper.

time for slumber.

Friday, November 23, 2007 

"... all theology spins from the power we have to think beyond ourselves. The God who is more than all our theologies can handle our imaginings, and perhaps strengthens us through them."

Marjorie Suchocki (from In God's Presence)

Saturday, November 17, 2007 

you know somehow that you made the correct course choice for the coming semester when your future professor finishes an email with "have a righteous day."

i had a glorious long conversation with dr. walker, who is a hartshorne scholar. among many things, one topic that came up is his idea for a children's book on process theology. yeah. take a moment to digest that one!

in other news: about every music selection brings me to a bad place this saturday evening. that leaves me with sparklehorse. even that one brings me memories of cleaning the condo before kaus and em moved in --- but it isn't music that i lived in for a distinct period of time.

it does capture the gentle sorrow that roughens up my first day off in some time.

i think that's enough info for now. i'm going out tonight, and i'm wearing eyeliner.


thanksgiving is ruining my favorite cooking show. turkey this, sweet potato that. at least giada is using kale.

Monday, November 12, 2007 

punishment for ridiculing the mustangs (and football in general)

now, hal the hybrid only came in contact with the ford mustang the smu football player was driving, but my god, when said young man stepped out of his car (a feat in itself, given his height) it was pretty clear that this guy could have done this with his fist.

or his pinky toe.

in other news: mclaren was glorious. it was great to be in a crowd that could heatedly debate the two-source hypothesis, deconstruction, community, and the obvious superiority of the beer in one's hand over another's choice (by the way, gentlemen: newcastle won).

Sunday, November 11, 2007 

save the cheerleader. save the world.

heroes comes highly recommended (it received a stamp of approval from the shan board of trustees: some members who love this body of work include her brother, Damon, d-n, and Bran).

it is a rather violent text, but it is well-crafted and worth your attention. most folks i know burn through the season one dvd in a day or two.


this is my story. this is my song.

they just had to play "blessed assurance"* on a prairie home companion this week. my eyes are not dry.

that was one of my favorites. there was always a dramatic pause before we joined in the lilt of the chorus. this hymn always seemed to suspend us in a delicate moment, so beautiful and reverent.

yeah, shan's having church this morning (which can be distracting when one is trying to write a paper).


one thing i love about chapel at smu is the opportunity to experience different worship practices (and they keep the sermons short. they do not, however, tend to select organ solos for the end of the service that are anything approaching brief!). a few of us are conspiring to hold an emergent chapel service. perhaps i should head up a pentecostal service -- i know of several peers (and professors!) who would love to participate. i don't think my hymns are in the methodist hymnal....

just some thoughts.

*as a child this was only second to "it's beginning to rain"

Wednesday, November 07, 2007 

this is in bran's email signature

"World peace is us....We are each walking agents of the vision of peace we carry inside us." -- Kathleen Vande Kieft

Tuesday, November 06, 2007 

when does human life begin?

Graduate School.

check out today's cat and girl.

Monday, November 05, 2007 

not the most glamorous picture from the 2006 gathering, but note the caption.

thoughts on the 2007 gathering are percolating but shall not be poured until the insanity of november passes.

as mom would say: i barely have time to wipe my hiney. hey. you've got to throw in some colorful metaphor before engaging in deep theology. sallie mcfague (and gospel of john!), here i come.


check out this salon piece on kucinich.