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Saturday, October 20, 2007 

notes to self: a day's retrospective and prescription for what remains of this saturday

mop. take out the trash. wash hair. study for exam. take care of children. miss aunt and uncle's visit to dallas. do not call mom on her birthday. do not drop the new phone in the toilet by accident. make banana bread from the six bananas browning on the counter. remain patient when a young one calls you "idiot" and demands that you shut up.

turn on the heat as a welcome to autumn. water the plants. feed the fish. think about making pesto. take a long bath. reread the paper that you wrote on tillich, the one that you are so proud of. end sentences with prepositions.

keep taking these damn chances, trust when appropriate, and for g-d's sake, get yourself to angelika for wes anderson's newest film.

I'm very much in favor of ending sentences with prepositions! Sounds like a good addition to the list.

Well, I'm glad to see you had a busy, productive weekend. I'm home sick today and thought I would take a homework break and check in on friends. Found an interesting new blog when I checked in on my old blog and it made me think of you.

News: I have completely given up the hope of having a "women's web site" and have decided to write a book instead (since the web site was going to be my masters project, I had to come up with something new). The new topic--how women use the communication spaces of the internet differently than men do, specifically from the point of view of the emergent movement, and how we approach our ministry works differently as a result. I finally feel as though I have a direction and a purpose.

So good to see you in Glorieta. Love and blessings!

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