today shan:
ran some errands and saw the black cloud of death approach.
i've never seen anything like it, and the strange thing is that once it arrived there was no rain.
until it hit.
no hints. no sprinkles, no sheets of rain slipping their way towards me. this was an instant barrage of drops like grapes, slamming their way into the path of cars, slamming away the mild humidity that hung across the first portion of the day. drops meant to intimidate windshields and wipers, umbrellas and raincoats.
and now outside feels like the cool butterfly kiss of early spring.
today shan studied german. she ran errands. she ate a grilled cheese sandwich (did you know that cafe brazil now has fries? they are amazing. we need to get meridian the recipe. best fries ever. seriously). the german is still focused on pronunciation, but that's good. my mouth is still working on forming some of the sounds. there is something delightful about the spoken language, the way the consonants feel when you utter them.
shan renewed library books and checked her box (she has a grade for NT as a course but no marked final or john exegesis paper! ) and visited the cantankerous registrar.
she learned a recipe for artichoke pesto dip that she wants to try out on her official food critic.
she needs to clean her apartment (mop. mop. mop.) and take out the trash before walking the dog and tending to the family.
not a bad day's work for one with free time.
while not in the midst of a semester of coursework, shan reserves the right to vacillate between first and third person. especially when speaking of rain or emailing good friends.
also to write sentence fragments.